Monday, December 27, 2010

an overVIEW


We all want to get rid of problems, don’t we? But the more we try, the more they multiply. Some tend to ignore while others try to deplore. Individually, we are lost souls trying to find the very purpose of our existence. Although we try our best to ignore “serious” topics and tend to get fooled by emotions and dictations.

The trend is what we follow with the guise of saving time, conserving energy and valuing life.

Individuals gather together to form a society just like arithmetic addition. The greater the number, the stronger the family and quality? Well, that’s something to do with alleviation of poverty. We get so confused with our very own questions that we spend little time pondering on the solutions. And when we do find some degree of success in this pursuit, we realize the absence of energy, focus and most importantly, time. Death knocks on the door of collective misery and lets the individual escape to a world of “fantasy”.

This world has no strength of its own, but our weaknesses become its strengths. There is no possible solution to the trials of life. Have patience, pass your time and slip away making sure that each moment was worth its stay.


Despite the apparent isolation, we are not alone. We all have our world, our view and our approach to life. What we fail to realize that everything we need, to convert problems to challenges and challenges to solutions, is right here with each one of us. The power lies with you, within your mind is “your world, unknown”. If you believe in what you have and have faith in what you can, you can achieve virtually anything. This can only be made possible by understanding your world: your thoughts, opinions, emotions, experiences and perspectives. When you understand yourself, you understand life, you understand reality.

The society is not just a collection of individuals bonded by self-interest. It is a union of individuals strengthened by common thoughts, bonded by collective emotions and perfected by a governing system.

We are all different, in a similar way. Our goals are the same but our approaches vary. The problems we face are all connected; they are the effects of a common cause. To eradicate them, we need to unite and rediscover our worlds and unite them to form a world, based on common principles!

A world, unknown is a book written by Abdullah Saqib, an ordinary engineering student, thinking of something extraordinary. This is not a mere collection of essays or articles but an amalgam of all forms of writing including poetry, essays and personal notes. So, get ready to become part of this journey.

Dominate the situation; don’t let the situation dominate you…


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